Violations and penalties

General Provisions

The penalties listed below and applied to a User for a particular violation are determined at the sole discretion of the Administration within the limits specified in the "Penalties" for the respective violation, depending on the degree of violation and the totality of all facts relevant to the violation (complaints from other Users, degree of danger, recurrence, etc.). The Administration may, at its own discretion, apply a milder penalty, or reduce the period of the specified blocking in respect of the User's character/game account.

All of the following violations committed against representatives of the Administration may result in the imposition of sanctions in the form of an indefinite blocking of the game character/game account.

The User is notified and agrees that when contacting the Technical Support Service by any means concerning the loss of game valuables, the Administration has the right to introduce a temporary technical blocking of the User's game account or Users connected with the lost game valuables for up to 14 days for the investigation of the circumstances of the loss of the game valuables. Temporary technical blocking of the game account is also possible during the investigation of other committed violations. The administration does not guarantee a positive result of the investigation. The User is notified and agrees that game values having a limited validity period are not restored upon the termination of the technical blocking period, and their validity period is not prolonged for the period of the technical blocking upon its termination.

Impersonation of a representative of the Administration

Use of terminology in the in-game nickname of the character / name of the clan implying a connection with the Administration, including for the purpose of obtaining a game advantage and/or game values. For example: Admin, GM, and others. 
Punishment: Renaming a character/clan, blocking the game account or accounts of the User indefinitely, return of the game valuables to the deceived owners, if possible.

Passing themselves off as a trusted person of the Administration and/or having a connection with the Administration. 
Punishment: Blocking of the game account or User accounts from 1 day to indefinite.

Use of profanity and abusive and/or provocative messages

Insulting User in game chats, including using inappropriate language; insulting/provoking posts about User's real life, family, relatives, etc., distribution of confidential or false information about another User. 
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game chat for 15 minutes to 7 days, blocking of the game account or accounts of the User indefinitely.

Use of profanity and/or insults in the hero chat. 
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game chat for 15 minutes to 7 days, blocking of the game account or User accounts indefinitely.

Use of profanity and/or provocative messages in the in-game nickname of a character and/or the name of a clan and/or alliance, as well as in the titles of characters, in the name of the game store and group rooms. 
Punishment: Renaming a character/clan/alliance, blocking the User's game account or accounts indefinitely. The decision to punish is at the discretion of the administration, the administration reserves the right not to punish the player for violation of this rule.

Using obscene language in appeals to the Service of technical support, as well as in appeals to the Administration in other ways. 
Penalty: The refusal to provide technical support, blocking game and/or forum account for a period of 1 day to indefinite.

Threats of violence and / or physical violence, including against members of the Administration. 
Punishment: Warning, blocking the game chat for a period of 15 minutes to 7 days, blocking the game account or User accounts indefinitely.

Defamation of morality, advocacy and / or expression of aversion or hatred, as well as advocacy of discrimination against people on racial, ethnic, gender, religion, social characteristics, disrespectful attitude towards culture, race, nation, people, language, politics and political system, ideology, social movement, etc. 
Penalty: Warning, game chat blocking for 15 minutes to 7 days, blocking the game account or User accounts indefinitely.

Discussion and / or calls for the use of third-party software, emulating the presence of the player in the game. 
Punishment: Warnings, in-game chat blocking for 15 minutes to 7 days, blocking of the game account or User accounts indefinitely, or a fine of 300 to 500 Gold Coins (to be added to the blocked character).

Dissemination of information, including promotional information

Distribution of advertising information not related to the project in any form, including links to Internet pages. Except links to clan resources (sites, forums, social network pages) and links to the Project streams. 
Punishment: Warning, blocking game chat for 15 minutes to 7 days, blocking the game account or User accounts indefinitely., spreading false information about the project, as well as any information which can discredit the project and the Administration in the general and hero chats. 
Penalty: Warning, blocking game chat for a period of 15 minutes to 7 days, blocking the game account or User accounts indefinitely.

The dissemination of information in any form, including links to Web pages, porn sites, resources containing any information about drugs, resources that defame morality, advocating hatred and / or discrimination against people on racial, ethnic, gender, religion, social characteristics, disrespectful attitude to the culture, race, nation, nation, language, politics and political system, ideology, social movements, as well as the dissemination of information of such nature.
Penalty: Warning, blocking game chat for a period of 15 minutes to 7 days, blocking the game account or User accounts indefinitely.

Distribution of information about the sale/purchase/exchange of third-party and/or malware. 
Penalty: Warning, in-game chat blocking for 15 minutes to 7 days, blocking of the game account or User accounts for an indefinite period

Using the "Search" chat tab for purposes other than intended.
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game account or User accounts for an indefinite period of time, a fine of up to 300 Gold Coins (to be added to the blocked character).

Use of the User's game account by more than one person

The administration forbids the transfer of the game account data to third parties. However, given today's realities, it may turn a blind eye to the violation of the User's privacy.

Remember - by transferring the data from your game account to a third party, you take full responsibility for the safety of the characters and all game valuables it contains. The administration will not stand on your side in case of malicious actions of intruders.

The use of bugs (bugs) in the game

Getting in-game advantages/values by using bugs in the game, including, but not limited to, geodata bugs, bugs in the game quest rewards and/or improper quest work. 
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game account or User accounts for a period from 1 day to indefinite, confiscation of game values and/or game benefits obtained as a result of such use.

Use of Game bugs without obtaining game benefits and/or game values. 
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game account or User accounts for a period of 1 day to indefinite.

Obtaining game values/game advantages due to the use of bugs by another User. 
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game account or User accounts for a period from 1 day to indefinite, confiscation of the game values and/or game benefits obtained as a result of such use.

Use of third-party software, illegal programs and cheating (except bots)

Game Client modification, i.e. actions aimed at deprogramming, decompiling, disassembling or any other method of obtaining the source code of the Client, actions aimed at modifying the source code, changing the Game Client functionality, as well as gaining access to the Game server software and/or changing the server packages (including but not limited to hLaPEx, L2packetHack), as well as the above mentioned actions to gain access and interference with the technical security features used by the Administration, with the exception of 
Penalty: Warning, blocking of the game account or accounts of the User for a period from 1 day to indefinite, removal of the game values and/or game advantages obtained as a result of such use.

The use or threatened use of third-party software that may entail, including obtaining game advantages / hacking / interception of data / removal of restrictions established by the means of technical protection applied by the Administration. 
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game account or accounts of the User for a period from 1 day to indefinite, the withdrawal of game values and/or game benefits obtained as a result of such use.

The acquisition, including the sale/purchase/exchange and other ways of obtaining/transfer of in-game valuables, including in-game currency, obtained as a result of violation of the Agreement, including as a result of violation of the Agreement by other users. 
Punishment: Cancellation of the in-game transaction and removal of in-game valuables/in-game currency to the seller/buyer (at the Administration's discretion). Blocking of the game account or accounts of the User for an indefinite period, a fine of 300 Gold Coins to 10,000 Gold Coins (to be added to the blocked character).

The committal of actions that have caused a failure in the work of the Administration's service for the provision of entertainment services aimed at the organization and support of the Game process with the participation of Users. 
Punishment: permanent blocking of the User's game account.

Game process automation, including the use of third-party software that emulates the presence of the player in the game (bot programs)

Before describing the penalties for the use of bot programs, we would like to outline our position with regard to programmable keyboards, mice and keyboards. Technological progress does not stand still, and it would be silly to deny and prohibit using the capabilities of new gaming peripherals. The only thing you need to remember when using macros on devices - the device is designed to simplify the gameplay, not to play for you. If your character turns out to be unmanageable at the moment of checking, it won't matter whether it's a bot, a keyboard macros, a little brother or a coin-operated key. 

Please note that the penalties for using third-party software will be applied equally to solo players and clan members - there will be no exceptions.

Reporting the use of software that simulates the presence of the player in the game (bot software) is equated to its use. This means that you can not write in chat about the use of third-party software, even if it's a joke. It is also forbidden to use nicknames/titles that promote third-party software, such as: "Adrenaline User", "Bot user", "Software User" and similar.

Penalty: Blocking of the game account or accounts of the User for an indefinite period of time, a fine of 300 Gold Coins to 10 000 Gold Coins (to be added to the blocked character).

Sale or purchase of in-game valuables for non-game means or means not stipulated by the Project

Distribution of information about the sale/purchase of in-game valuables and/or game account, information about the development of characters for third parties for in-game funds or means not provided for in the Project.
The actual sale and/or purchase of in-game valuables for non-game funds or funds not provided for in the Project.
An attempt to sell/purchase in-game valuables for non-game means or means not provided for in the Project (mentioning real currency, web-wallets, etc.).
Cheating employees of the project in order to get a game advantage and/or other benefits.
Transfer of any transactions in out-of-game chats (VKontakte, Skype, Mumble, etc.).
Punishment: Cancellation of in-game transactions and removal of in-game valuables/in-game currency to the seller/buyer (at the discretion of the Administration). Blocking of the game account or accounts of the User for an indefinite period, a fine of 300 Gold Coins to 30,000 Gold Coins (by refilling the blocked character).

Sale or purchase of some in-game valuables for in-game funds

Distribution of information about the sale/purchase of a character, account or clan for in-game funds
The actual sale and/or purchase of a character, account, or clan for in-game funds
Attempted in-game funds sale/purchase of a character, account, or clan 
Punishment: Cancellation of the in-game transaction and removal of in-game valuables/in-game currency to the seller/buyer (at the Administration's discretion). Blocking of the User's game account or accounts for an indefinite period of time, a fine of 50 Gold Coins to 10,000 Gold Coins (in some cases by refilling the blocked character).

Using game errors, cheating and deceiving other players.

Deliberate use of bugs in the game, including geodata errors. 
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game account or User accounts for a period of 1 day to indefinite, the removal of game valuables and/or game advantages obtained as a result of such use.

Use of the error of displaying messages of two trading benches in one point (opening several trading benches by characters with similar names in one point with the aim of substituting the message of sale with the message of purchase or vice versa). 
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game account or accounts of the User for a period from 1 day to indefinite, removal of game valuables and/or game advantages obtained as a result of such use.

The use of a deliberately false message in the trade shop (for example, being on the fence, you can not write in the message). 
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game account or accounts of the User for a period of 1 day to indefinite, the withdrawal of game values and/or game advantages obtained as a result of such use.

The use of characters with nicknames similar to the nicknames of other players for the purpose of deception in order to obtain game values. 
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game account or accounts of the User for a period of 1 day to indefinite, removal of the game values and/or game advantages obtained as a result of such use.

Interfere with the normal passage through doors, interfere with the selection of NPC (put on the NPC pets, standing in the transformation blocking the selection of NPC in the targeting)
Penalty: Warning, blocking of the game account or User accounts for a period from 1 day to indefinite, the withdrawal of game valuables and/or game advantages obtained as a result of such use.

Theft (scam) of items or accounts of third parties (or assistance in the theft), deception or abuse of trust of the owner of the game values. Or any other misappropriation of another's property without the explicit consent of the owner.
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game account or User accounts for a period from 1 day to indefinite, the withdrawal of game valuables and/or game advantages obtained as a result of theft. 

Theft of drops in the course of clan farming of Raid Bosses. When a Clan participates in a Boss raid, we are convinced that the reward for killing it must belong entirely to the Clan that killed it. Since the Clan Leader is the direct leader of the Clan, the distribution of the reward from the Boss should be handled by him alone. Therefore, we consider unauthorized appropriation of items after a Raid without the permission of the Clan Leader to be theft. The same rule applies to party play. Only the leader of the group has the right to distribute the epic among the members of the group. 
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game account or User accounts for a period of 1 day to indefinite, removal of game valuables and/or game benefits obtained as a result of theft. 

Organization of any kind of quizzes, casinos, raffles, etc., that entail a way to profit from other players.
Punishment: Warning, blocking of the game account or accounts of the User for a period from 1 day to indefinite, seizure of game valuables and/or game benefits obtained as a result of the event. 

PvP points pouring: both by killing their twinks, as well as for killing other players by prior conspiracy in order to advance in the PvP-rating and obtain additional rewards.
Punishment: Warning, blocking the game account or accounts User for a period of 1 day to indefinite, the removal of game values and / or game benefits obtained as a result of the event. 

The Administration has the right to restrict the User's access to the accounts for the period of the investigation of the possible violation of the Project Rules. At the discretion of the Administration, the User has the opportunity to remove the blocking or eternal blocking upon payment of the fine. The cost and method of payment is formed depending on the violation and is individual for each account. Unless otherwise agreed, the User's blocking is removed from all blocked accounts at once when paying the fine. The User always has the opportunity to appeal the blocking (complaint) personally to the Management of

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